As the quote I mentioned in the article says, that last 10% is really another 90%. It is a joke, but there is truth in it. The front end, the UX, the design, all takes a very long time to develop, not just time typing code, but time getting approval for the design, the design changing on a dime, etc. I would argue that all that takes more time than backend work does, because functionality is clear and has a direct path. With aesthetics, more people's opinions are involved, so it's not a straight path. A lot of times, for example, designers will give the developers a "small change" that is a lot of coding work, but they think it's not. Pushing back on that and arguing against the change alone takes more work than returning a different response from an API! Maybe I have been lucky to work with amazing back end teams, but I have never met a stressed out back end developer 😂